Monday, June 20, 2011

Much better

Although I still have a slight cough, I'm much much better than yesterday. Finished my last day at work until mid-July though it was a busy one. I've got a chill-out/pack day tomorrow and then we're off on Wednesday.

Part of me is wishing I could take my laptop with me but it would just be too cumbersome to schlep all over the countryside. The smartphone should be enough technology to last me for the trip.

I checked the weather in Prague and it looks kind of like here...cloudy with chances of rain and in the mid-60s. I may have to include a sweater in my bag just in case. I refuse to bring the long underwear, though.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing better and can't wait to hear about your trip... Big hugs!

la c

Lev said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Carla!