Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My piece from Quotes Illustrated

I got the go-ahead to show my artwork that is published in Quotes Illustrated by Lesley Riley. This is a digital collage that has scans of painted surfaces and black and white negatives that I further manipulated in Photoshop. I was happy that I was given the Diane Arbus quotation since she's one of my photo heroes.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Published art!

I'm really excited to share that I have had one of my digital collages included in a book on quotations. The book is by Lesley Riley and is called "Quotes Illustrated." The book is now available through CreateSpace and Amazon. I'm awaiting my copy, which should arrive on Wednesday. I'll report on the book when it arrives.

Nothing like having some of your art included in a collection to make you feel like it's worthwhile. I'd work even without the recognition, but it's still nice.