Saturday, March 31, 2012

Artfest 2012

I've been at Artfest in Port Townsend the past few days learning and playing with paints and collage. I took a two day workshop with Jesse Reno and this is one of the pieces I painted. It's definitely not finished and I don't even know if I like it but it was fun to create.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Photograph worked in Painter 12

I recently upgraded my Painter software to version 12 so I decided to play around with some photos in the program today. Here is a Lubitel shot I took in Paris this past summer:

 I opened this image in Painter and then applied a woodblock effect to it. After that, I painted it with the different watercolor brushes available. This is the result:

I'm not very adept with the software so the end version isn't exactly what I was expecting. However, it was fun to mess around with the different brushes and watch the "drying" of the paint. Something different.