Friday, October 19, 2012

Ghost house Eastern Washington

We found this really beautiful abandoned house in Adams County, Washington last weekend. I call these houses "ghost houses" since they are similar to ghost towns except there's no town surrounding them. Just sad, empty houses whose owners are long gone and probably forgotten. It was ideal since I was able to walk right up to it and get some closer shots.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Autumn colors along route 20

Drove back from eastern Washington yesterday in heavy rains. Taking photos was pretty difficult since it was so wet and I didn't have an umbrella. Fortunately, there were some turn-offs that allowed for shooting from the safety of the car. Here's an example of the color that can be seen in the mountains at the moment. So beautiful. If you get a chance to go right now, I encourage that type of reckless behavior.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Beauty in the everyday

I like to keep my camera close by: even when I'm doing something as ordinary as cleaning dishes or making dinner, something often catches my attention. In this case it was the sink with the colander and a shadow and the counter with light reflections through a glass pot.
Colander, sink, and cast shadow
Orange counter with light, glass and tomatillo sauce

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


This jawbone was found in the Wind River Range in Wyoming. Unsure what it is. A ruminant of some sort...maybe a goat or a sheep.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Stumps of Alder Lake

This photo was taken with a Fujica 6x4.5 using Efke 100 at Alder Lake in Elbe, WA during last Thanksgiving.