Friday, June 15, 2012

Abandoned house revisited

A few months ago, I wrote a post that included some pictures of an abandoned house that is located next to the local bicycle trail. Well, today I rode past on my bike and was surprised to see that it had burned down. Oddly enough, there were still flames in the guts of what had been the house, so the house must have just burnt down in the last 24 hours. Crazy! Anyhow, I went back this afternoon to take some photos. Although the flames were gone, I could still hear the crackling of wood so there are still some hot embers in there. Strange times....
As it was
As it is


Marianne Morris Art said...

I love the window frames on this house... before the fire, of course. The weathered paint and the emptiness inside... any chance you'd let me use them in a collage?? They could really speak...

Lev said...

Sure. Do you want me to send you a higher resolution image?