Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunny days in the darkroom

This morning I took photos of my neighbor's kids who are all teenagers (well, the youngest is about to be one). It was a lot of fun for me since I was shooting with the Mamiya C220 (and my Holga and my Canon G9) that was loaned to me by a friend. I don't have any idea how the pictures will turn out yet since I haven't actually seen any prints from the film I've shot with this camera. Although I was claiming to swear off using the darkroom a few posts ago, I shot one roll of B&W film and developed it just an hour ago. The negs look a little over-exposed but I've never been greatest judge of negative quality, so I'm not really sure. Once the film dries I'll be able to actually look at the negs on the light table and see if I have a hope of success. Hopefully, the end result justifies the time I spent in the dark instead of out in the sun.

On a different subject, but one that still pertains to art: I just picked up a beautiful print of Mt. Rainier by artist Chandler O'Leary. I've gotten into the habit of buying prints for my husband at birthdays and anniversaries. In the past, I've tended towards Japanese prints but Chandler's work is so lovely and I like being able to support artists I know.

I haven't posted any pictures here recently, so I thought I'd post a picture of the cat who likes to climb onto my deck and occasionally sneaks into my house if the door is left open.
Sukey the creeper

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