Monday, August 29, 2011

Color film image - Mamiya C220

Today I was able to swing by the photo shop to pick up some of the color film I had shot with the Mamiya C220. I'm definitely having issues with the exposure. Could be because I'm using a light meter - perhaps too high-end for me (when I shoot with my Lubitel, I just use a little cheat sheet that covers the basics by film speed: cloudy, bright, snow.) I have to do a test and actually take notes based on meter readings and the settings. I have some film still in the camera that I need to finish shooting so I'll shoot my tests with that.

Here is a color photo I shot of Levi. I posted the black and white film image of the same shoot a couple postings ago. I obviously can get good shots with the camera and available light since this one looks pretty good. I just need to get my pea-brain around shooting settings.

Mamiya C220 shot in color

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