Friday, February 19, 2010

Skeleton and the end approaches!

What can I say? I was a little wishy-washy about going to skeleton. I figured, "How interesting could it be to watch a person flying by for a split second?" Well, let me tell you...I'm a convert. The skeleton event was the event to be at last night. It's just a big old party of people wandering around, talking to each other, drinking, and seeing athletes flying past you at 140 km per hour. I loved it!! Our kids could walk around in their groups and we could hang and go where we wanted without worrying about where the kids were. At one point, we wondered where they were...when we looked up at the jumbotron there they were!

Here is a photo of what it looked like at the Whistler Sliding Center.

It was such a good time...I got to hang out at the end of the run and take photos as the women finished. They're sooo tiny. I could be a skeleton athlete. I'll have to see if there's a sliding area I can go to.

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