Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When you keep your eyes open...

...you see amazing things. The other day I was stopped at a light and was letting my eyes wander around in the usual, vaguely-paying-attention way I have in the morning, when I saw something odd. I squinted because I thought I must be imagining it, but, no. I was looking through the window of a local gas station at what appeared to be the Virgin Mary. As I drove past, I was able to verify that it was some sort of lighted religious statue with another beside it sitting on top of a cooler. A couple days later, I stopped in there to get gas and went in with my camera. On top of the 7up cooler was a Christmas tableau with lighted Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus (please note, that it's May). When I asked if it was okay to take a picture the fellow was nice enough to readjust baby Jesus so he was more visible. I think I'll go back and get a few more shots since I think there's more there. Fortunately, the owners were really nice and said I could come back anytime.

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