Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cozy corner is complete!

Recently, we decided to rip out our fireplace to install a new, much better looking gas one. One day, while reclining on the platform that used to hold the fireplace (oh, it was so ugly and I'm so pleased it is no more), we decided that it was much nicer as a hanging out spot. About a month later, we now have a beautiful "hang deck" with shelves and drawers and lights. One of the coolest features about it is the heating elements under the black tiles. The heat is subtle but palpable. It's large enough to allow two people to nap (we actually have a place for guests now!). And there are enough drawers to house all the CDs we had housed on a grey rolling cart. What a delight! I have the best contractor in the world. Thanks, Jay!

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