Monday, April 9, 2012

Work-free Monday

What a delight to have 9 days off in a row. Yesterday, it was wandering around the Tide Flats taking photos. Today it's been chill-out time with practicing Czech (the few words I know), a yoga class, errands, and working Lightroom and Photoshop. I printed a couple of the pieces I was working on. This one I printed on a Pictorico Unryu paper (it has beautiful threads running through it). I cropped it and split-toned it. I really like how it looks like a drawing.:
Ducks in the muck
This next image is the bigger piece I worked on that includes the above image. Didn't like how it printed on a fiber paper so I'll have to try it again with different ICC settings perhaps.
Ocean triptych
It's so beautiful right now - I'm an idiot for being inside. I need to get my outdoor clothes on and work in the garden while I have the chance.


Chyrum Lambert said...

Beautiful piece, I never really thought about a vertical layout for a triptych before. These images stack so well together and the wood at the top is so wonderfully caught in time. Knots and swirls!

Lev said...

Years ago I received a postcard for a photo show that had a portrait of a person stacked on top of a photograph of texture (both in black & white). I thought they were intended to go together, but in fact, they were photos by two different people. Since then, I've thought about this concept. I think this is my first official foray into the format. What a great thing Lightroom is! Thanks for looking and the kind comments.