Saturday, April 21, 2012

In my garden

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with a friend this afternoon and take a bunch of portraits of her. She was very tolerant of my "four camera" method of photography, which involves (of course) four cameras (Lubitel with a flash, Fujica 6x4.5, Nikon 35mm film, and Canon G9) slung all over my person and switching on and off a photo flood. I have to take the color film to the lab and get into the darkroom to develop the black & white (I'm hoping I got decent exposures). I may post one of the digital images here in the meantime if she's okay with it.

Because it's so nice, I decided to wander around the garden a bit with the macro function of my G9. I was lucky enough to find this red ant covered in pollen in a dandelion. Unfortunately, this is the only somewhat sharp image I got. At one point I got so close to the ant that he landed on my lens - too close to shoot but it was cool looking - like a dark, ant-shaped cloud.
Hungry ant
I also shot this blue flower - pollen is so cool looking in macro!


Crysta said...

You are welcome to post any if they turn out well! I had a great time. :)

Marianne Morris Art said...

Beautiful photos as usual. :)

Lev said...

Thanks, Crysta. I sent you one to the work email. It helps to have a photogenic "victim." :)