Monday, March 24, 2014

Embroidered piece

I've been working on a large embroidered piece with tree images on it and have been going a little nutso with the fine detail work so I decided to take a breather and work on something smaller. I started this on Thursday or Friday and finished it last night. The creases and wrinkles are a bit vexing. I've pressed it once already and am planning to try another method of getting it to lay flat. I don't know if I'll be 100% successful with that plan, since there is crinoline acting as the substrate for the fabric and it has a tendency to keep its creases. We'll see...I'm feeling as though I'm still in experimental mode for how best to work these pieces. Perhaps I need to move to a frame or hoop system (currently, I'm doing everything by just holding the piece in my hands).

It may not be perfect, but I really feel as though I'm making some progress.


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