Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Asbury Park ruins

As a child I spent a lot of time at Asbury Park. My parents took us there to walk the boardwalk and ride the rides and play games. We went there on Christmas Day to visit a bit of my past. The place I remember is gone. There is one building on the boardwalk that is somewhat intact - during the holidays it had a Christmas tree and lights inside it but there didn't seem to be anything going on. Occasionally, I imagine they still have concerts there (I saw Elvis Costello there in the '80s).

This is what remains of the Casino:
Casino - Asbury Park, NJ
Not sure how much of the dereliction comes from hard times (which Asbury Park has had a lot of) and how much comes from Hurricane Sandy. Through the entry you can see a condemned building and a gap where a building once was. 

It's a beat place.